Hello, Just sketches and ocassional musings.

On Sundays

After a long silence, I'm back with to sketching. Starting from the basics of basing my characters on existing set-ups, but definitely my mind works another way (Cannot stop it, yes.) So, I got drunk on coffee after a long-long time with a good bit of Bournville. Here's how my Sunday had been like (It's good to keep evidence, I've learnt recently.)

A lot of labeling, as taught in school :P
Well, I had been a bit off the pencil. And I didn't even share a few of my watercolours (I recently fell in love with watercolours!) It's a happy married life with drawing or maybe I'm just obsessed, but I rarely PDA by sharing stuff online. "It's okay to fake love", I came up with that one, however, it's been a working Sunday with a punch of casual sketching (I wonder whether I still have OCD...)

A simple sketch called "the dark side of moon" (with no caps)

Damn. My camera sucks in low light photography *grumpy face*